
On the horizon...


Modern Slavery statements:  The Government has confirmed that it will introduce additional requirements for modern slavery statements (including a requirement to state if no steps have been taken to eradicate exploitation in the supply chain) and new best practice guidance.  This comes amid concerns about exploitative practices in some supply chains, particularly clothes manufacture. 

Senior Managers and Certification Regime:  The Financial Conduct Authority has confirmed when details of regulated individuals will be published on its new directory site.  Dual-regulated firms must submit information by 13 November 2020 and the FCA will start to publish this data from 23 November 2020.  FCA-regulated firms must submit the information by 31 March 2021 using the single-entry submission form (or earlier if they want to use the multiple entry form or want their data to appear earlier).  The FCA will begin to display informed from solo-regulated firms as it is submitted, starting from 14 December 2020. 

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